Yes I know, I'm ahead of schedule. Well it's because I have to give myself an advanced warning due to the coming of the early evening darkness and the foggy dreary mornings of autumnal/winterish time coming. Not a good look for me, seasonal affected disorder here it comes. After already experiencing last Tuesday as one of those days that I'm literally paralyzed and can hardly force myself out of bed. Well at least I have a job and my health and a sound mind, in fact so sound that after seeing the latest grade from human relations class I did what I always hate to do but dropped out. As soon as that happened the anvil on my shoulders just seemed to float away. It made me cry a little because I hate being a quitter but after a huge hug from hubby and hearing him give me some really helpful and sweet words I got over it. Besides I will now have more time to try to get the formatting right on the chapbook that's supposed to be coming out in about 30 days! Anyway, Happy Halloween to you all and watch for another post soon.