Time Allocation
My goal for the year is to have my story collection The Fridge Magnet Chronicles published. Everyone said when I got laid off “Oh but just think how much more time you will have to write.”
I am getting better at doing the old writer’s adage of BIC and no I don’t mean make sure you have a pen in your hand at all times should the muse arise, I mean BUTT IN CHAIR! I have found time for more creative writing workshops than I would have been able to attend but then as time went on without a job on the horizon and the fact that unemployment doesn’t last forever, had to forgo classes of that nature and focus on marketable skill learning.
During January and February with extra free time I cleaned out drawers and closets finding a treasure trove of notebooks filled with my ruminations on family, friends and my life past present and future. The goal then became to set the timer and type from these scribbling to make lucid and tidy for the upcoming editing necessary to put my stories into the book.
So there you have what my main focus has been over the last several weeks, wouldn’t say it’s anything to write home about but I am starting to feel a sense of accomplishment. I know that to become better at anything it requires practice, I am putting that knowledge to work and do feel that the challenge of my goal for this year will be accomplished!