Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wednesday already?

Today had a big excursion to the dollar store, put in my avon order, got bbq hamburger dinner with hubby. Tomorrow have to get oil changed in CT (Chick Truck), pack a few things, leave house in some semblence of order then take off for points north. So unless little sister has her laptop with her will be w/o wifi for a few days. Have a good weekend, don't do anything I wouldn't do. TTFN...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Still job hunting

Got a call from the company I had an interview for thanking me for taking the time to come in but they had decided to hire a more qualified candidate. Well, what can you do. The applicants are swooping in on job ads as quick as they get posted. I know because I've got the timer set to check craigslist every 30 minutes to see if anything new shows up. I'm not going to be brought down though, the right job is out there waiting for me. In the meantime there is more time for writing! Oh and reading, getting through the book my bookclub chose, In the Garden of Beast by Erik Larson. Jammy time, have a good night all. "-)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Rock and Roll!

Had a little shaker today right before 11 a.m. Just a 3.4 and no aftershocks. So much time goes on between earthquakes that when I feel one I'm in denial. I tell myself, "that couldn't be, could it?" But with facebook it's instant confirmation in cryptic terms no less. "Hey felt that" someone posted within minutes. I'll deal with this though before I would deal with the kind of weather the Gannimal house and Sailor son are having in Virginia. Won't get me to Tornado Alley or Hurricane Land, I'll stay here in California where every so often I just shake my booty!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Breakfast with the Beatles

These are the types of Sunday mornings I like. Put on my fav local radio station, read the paper while listening to all the good oldies. This early a.m. would be nicer if the sun was shining but you can't have everything. And I decided I'm taking a break from perusing craiglist job postings. It'll be a lazy day for sure.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Yes that's right. I am unemployed. Had a great interview, hope it leads to something. Have a great weekend. Tag you're it...