Monday, August 15, 2011

New week

I had a pretty good weekend. Friday drove topless with hubby in our friend's Ray and Ofelia's Benz. A fantastic lunch was had by all at The Tides. Got to hear all about their trip to Italy earlier in the summer with their newly graduated kidlet and his friend. Weather was chilly at the coast but the ride back was beautiful through the redwoods along River Rd. Saturday would have seen The Help with Steph but she wasn't feeling well so gives me time to read the book now before seeing the movie. Sunday dropped Brie off at her job at Abecrombie & Fitch. Here's a question about that store... What does the canoe hanging in the middle of the ceiling and a stuffed moose head behind the checkout have to do with the posters of the half naked people in their advertising? Just wondering. So after almost dying of the over perfumed, music blasting time in the store headed to my RWC meeting where we had an awesome speaker Linda Joy Myer who is a specialist on memoir which being my genre I was very attentive even though I have heard her before. Today will once again be checking craigslist for jobs every 30 minutes and might even find time to practice ASL from the new book I bought, cheaper that taking a class for it at JC. May be useful once I'm a bonafide, certified legal assistant in a couple years. Have a great day, more later.

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